$49.00 AUD

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Plan Your Week Workshop

Learn how to get more done with less overwhelm (and more rest!).

Based on the Monday Hour One framework, purchase the Plan Your Week workshop and you'll receive:

  1. The Plan Your Week video workshop, which gives you this process to follow every week for eternity

  2. The Plan Your Week workbook – fill it out online or print it out and use it each week to guide your crystal clear planning

  3. A personalised 45 minute 1:1 call if you need extra support

Inside the Workshop, you will:

  • Look at your current schedule and figure out where it's going wrong
  • Get an easy plan in place for your week
  • Learn how to follow through on the plan, even if new things come in
  • End each week feeling productive and accomplished. 

 Your teacher:

Georgie Bryant is a time management expert and certified coach who helps women reduce their overwhelm permanently!

Note: no refund policy due to the digital nature of the product.